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Win a clear acrylic Bath tray

1 prize to be won!

Enter now to win the clear acrylic bath tray: the epitome of style, function, and luxury for your bathing experience. Elevate your bath time to a whole new level with this beautifully crafted and versatile accessory.

Crafted from high-quality, crystal-clear acrylic, this bath tray is a perfect blend of modern design and durability. Its see-through construction allows for a seamless integration into any bathroom decor, creating a sleek and contemporary look.

The bath tray is designed to fit across most standard bathtubs, providing ample space to hold your favorite book, tablet, smartphone, a glass of wine, or any other essentials you'd like to keep handy while you soak and unwind.


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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 27/09/2025.


clear acrylic Bath tray x1